View Our Facilities

Our Location

Located in the Heart of Shanghai

301, The X Tower, Building 1 West
100 Yejiazhai Road
Shanghai, 200060
TEL: +86.21.3376.5639

About Our Facilities

Our brand new, state of the art facility is located in the heart of Shanghai city with easy access to restaurants and hotels, and overlooking the charming Suzhou River.

Both the observation and focus group rooms have comfortable settings equipped with state-of-the art audio and video equipment.  The observation room also offers a pleasant river view which should help soften the tedium of many hours in a darkened room. The facility has it’s own private access making it easy for you to come and go with ease and you are free to use the workspace, relaxation areas, roof terrace and restaurants of the wider X-Tower co-working space or you could simply take a walk up the nearly developed walkways along the river.

Given that many of our clients are often jet-lagged to varying degrees, we have designed the observation to be as light as possible during group discussions, without compromising on the ability for the respondents to see through the mirror. We are told by our clients that this, combined with the large windows allowing in lots of light when the blinds are up between groups, significantly reduces their tiredness through the day.

The facility has VPN enabled wi-fi, allowing you to access all the international websites and services you are used whilst you are in China. Additionally, for focus groups, a more dynamic, 360° view of the groups can be watched on the monitor in the backroom. The camera automatically focuses on users as they speak giving you a more ‘in the group’ experience of the group. It’s an optional change of view from watching through the two way mirror.

High-quality facilities are also available in most cities throughout China through our extensive trusted partner network.

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