Research Background

  • medical apparatus company would like to study on design concepts of advanced energy (AE) product portfolio.

Research Methodology

  • 14 In-depth interviews with surgeons each lasting around 60 minutes
  • 6 In-depth interviews with economic providers each lasting around 75 minutes

City Coverage

  • Shanghai

Target Audience

Surgeons (mix of General, Gynaecological, Colorectal):

  • Must have been in surgical practice no fewer than 2 years, and no more than 25 years.
  • Must be board certified.
  • Must be primarily affiliated with a tertiary or secondary hospital.
  • Must perform majority of procedures at primary hospital.
  • Must routinely perform more than one type of procedure.
  • Must be familiar with advanced energy devices in general.
  • Must be familiar with the concept of re-using devices multiple times.
  • Must have the ability to influence energy instrument choice.

Economic providers:

  • Must have held current position for at least 1 year.
  • Must be primarily affiliated with an 3a/Tertiary (500+ beds) or 2a/Secondary (250-500 beds) hospital.
  • Must be responsible for the evaluation and acquisition of new and existing surgical devices for use in in-patient General Surgery.
  • Must be familiar with “re-use” concept concerning energy devices used in surgery.
  • At a minimum, make recommendations on the selection and purchasing decisions for OR equipment and supplies.
  • Must personally influence advanced energy procurement decisions “sometimes” or more.
  • Must have a role in evaluating the relationship between costs and benefits of advanced energy devices.
  • Must be responsible for all aspects of OR operations with some responsibility or accountability of the function.

Research Results

UniqueView conducted all the work including whole fielding process, translating and reporting. The research results helped our client understand:

  • what product design concepts meet customers’ expectations while best differentiating versus another equipment
  • determine the language and features that most clearly and compellingly communicate the specific benefits.