Research Background

  • A famous dog food company is going to launch its brand-new product in Chinese market.

Research Methodology

  • Creative pre-task (10-15 slides)
  • 4 Focus group discussions with each lasting 2 hours
  • 4 Ethnographic interviews with each lasting around 1.5 hours

City Coverage

  • Shanghai and Beijing

Target Audience

  • Male and female aged 25-55 years old
  • Medium household income or above
  • Own at least one dog but no more than three
  • Must buy majority of their pet food in the grocery channel (e.g. super-/ hyper-market)
  • Must be responsible for dog food purchases
  • Must feed a premium nutrition brand of commercial dry dog food at least twice a week, including users of selective premium grocery brands

Research Results

UniqueView took over the full-service job including whole fielding process, translation and top-line report. The research outcomes evaluate and analyze product concepts from the angle of consumers to better improve the service and position clearly while promote efficiently.