Research Background
One of the leading medical device companies intended to get knowledge of A-grade hospital purchasing process and their expected price for devices with new technologies that suit China market, especially over hospitals
Research Methodology
Face-to-face in-depth Interview in our facility
Target city
Sample size
- 16 in total
- 8 surgeons including General Surgeons, Gynecological Surgeons, Colorectal Surgeons, Gastric/Bariatric Surgeons and ENT Surgeons
- 8 Economic Providers including Procurement Director, Operating Room Director, and Vice Principle in charge of procurement
Key respondent criteria
- Must have been in surgical practice no less than 3 years, and no more than 25 years
- Must routinely perform more than one type of procedure
- Must perform at least 6 procedures per month
- Must from 3A hospitals
- Must use some form of bi-polar and/or advanced energy device among common procedures
- Must be familiar with the concept of re-using devices
- Must have the ability to influence Energy instrument purchase choice
Economic Providers:
- Must have been in current position for at least 1 year
- Must be primarily affiliated with a S1 or S2 hospital
- Must be responsible for at least 5 OR surgeries
- OR cases must include: general, GYN, colorectal, gastric/bariatric or ENT surgery
- Must be familiar with “reprocessing” concept concerning energy devices used in surgery
- Must be responsible for all aspects of OR operations with some responsibility or accountability of the function AND for the surgical lines of general, GYN, colorectal, gastric/bariatric or ENT Surgeries
- At a minimum, make recommendations on the selection and purchasing decisions for OR equipments and supplies