Project objective

The worldwide medical corporation initiated a research to:

  • gain a deeper understanding of Chinese surgeons’ attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and expertise related to open/hybrid thoracic lung procedures, inclusive of vessel ligation, and bronchus and parenchyma transection.
  • identify unmet needs to be addressed by new product solutions based on these attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and techniques.


Face-to-face in-depth Interview

Target cities

Shanghai and Beijing

Sample size

16 in total (8 per city)

Key respondent criteria

  • In practice full-time for more than 2 years post-residency but less than 30 years
  • At least half must be Chief/Vice Chief Director
  • All are Thoracic Surgeons with focus on lung procedures
  • Must be from a 2A or 3A hospital
  • None from same practice/hospital
  • Perform at least 5/month of the procedures combined: Pneumonectomy, Lobectomy
  • All perform “Open/Hybrid” procedures
  • All create an incision greater than 4cm during procedures
  • Must be the primary surgeon doing cutting (vessels, parenchyma, and bronchus) surgery