Research Background
- A large medical device company have developed an upgraded, new version of equipment designed for operating procedures. They wanted to understand how surgeons and procedures work in China’s level 3 hospitals and see respondents reaction to the adapted device. There were 2 phases to this study:
- Phase 1: Test the product
- Phase 2: Test concepts
Research Methodology
- Phase 1: IDI (1 hr)
- Phase 2: IDI (1 hr)
City Coverage
- Phase 1: Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu
- Phase 2: Shanghai, Ningbo
Target Audience
Phase 1-
“Scrub Techs“:
- Responsible for assembling devices and getting the Operating Room ready for surgery
- Responsible for assisting surgeons in surgical procedures
- Assist in assembling Energy Devices:
Central Sterile:
- All will be involved with reprocessing devices as part of their daily activities
OR Directors or Procurement Officers:
- Must have responsibility for deciding what surgical devices to purchase for the hospital (or serious input)
All will be:
- From a Community-based teaching or non- teaching hospital OR a University affiliated hospital
- In their current position for at least 2 years
- Working in a facility has a minimum of 5 operating rooms
- Working in a facility has at least 100 beds
- Employed FT – some may be PT with 20+ hours/wk
- All device reprocessing (cleaning and sterilization) should be conducted respondent’s facility
- Facility uses steam sterilization (has access to autoclave)
Phase 2-
Purchasing Decision Makers (Associate Director, Director or Manager):
- Title: VP or above
- Responsible within their hospital for and/or involved in the purchase of (or acquiring) surgical devices such as Harmonic, Ligasure, Thunderbeat, etc
OR Managers/Directors:
- Title: VP or above
- Responsible for the managing the staff and day-to-day processes of operating room/theater
- Responsible for deciding which surgical devices (such as Harmonic, Ligasure, Thunderbeat, etc) are to be used within the OR
All will be:
- From a Community-based teaching or non-teaching hospital OR a University affiliated hospital
- In their current position for at least 2 years (non-clinical)
- All device reprocessing (cleaning and sterilization) should be conducted respondent’s facility
Research Results
UniqueView has worked with this client for a long time. Our fielding included:
- documents translation
- recruitment and respondent management
- moderation
- facilities
- other fielding services
The research aimed to:
- gain a greater understanding of their customers with the target range of hospitals
- hear their user’s reaction to the device
- to help improve the user experience
- and find the right channel and price to position the product being tested in the China market.
The results also helped them find the best way to promote their products and evaluate the potential concepts for the next version of the equipment.