Research Background

  • An international high-end car brand would like to test their Chinese target audience’ attitudes and perceptions towards a new car model they intended to launch in China.

Research Methodology

  • 16 Focus Group Discussions with each lasting around 2 hours per group

City Coverage

  • Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing

Target Audience

  • Male aged 20-59 years old
  • Monthly household income: >20k RMB
  • P6M buyers of cars priced 300K-600K RMB/400K-800K RMB

Research Results

UniqueView accomplished the full-service job within 6 weeks – 4 weeks for whole fielding process and another 2 weeks for reporting. The research findings helped our client better understand Chinese customers in terms of usage and attitudes of different car models, their perception towards new car models and also potential useful marketing communication ideas.