Research Background

  • A French high-end shoe brand would like to understand deeper regarding Chinese customers’ attitudes and behaviors towards shoes made in France.

Research Methodology

  • 10 Focus Group Discussions with each lasting around 3 hours

City Coverage

  • Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu

Target Audience

  • Male and female aged 25-50 years old
  • Monthly household income >50k RMB
  • Regular buyers of premium shoes priced > 2,500 RMB of different brands
  • At least buy 6 pair of shoes with above price range within one year
  • Actively seeking fashion and brand information

Research Results

UniqueView accomplished the full-service job within 2 weeks – 1 week for the whole fielding process and the other week for reporting and translating. The research findings helped our client better understand Chinese customers in terms of:

  • their behaviors and attitudes towards different shoe brands
  • their perception towards shoes made in France
  • potential useful marketing communication ideas