Research Background

  • A premium, luxury auto company wanted to analyze their brand in China. They, also, wanted to gain insights into their customers, and potential customers, needs and key purchasing decision drivers. The overall objective of the research was to help them with their marketing strategy for the China market.

Research Methodology

  • IDI: 90 mins
  • Sample size: 37

City Coverage

  • Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou

Target Audience

Own buyers (from client’s list):

  • Aged 25-40 yrs old
  • At least 50% have children living with them in the household
  • At least 5 females
  • They are the principal decision maker / primary driver of that vehicle
  • They own an SUV according to the following split:
    • 3 own a
      [auto model]
    • 3 own a [auto model]
    • 3 own a [auto model]
    • 3 own a [auto model]
    • 3 own an [auto model]
  • Have bought/leased their car from NEW within the last 3 years
  • All like or are neutral towards the brand
  • All are looking to buy another SUV in the premium
  • category within the next 4 years
  • Equal split across price bands: ¥ 400,000 – 649,999; ¥
  • 650,000 – 1,199,999; ¥ 1,200,000+

Potential buyers:

  • Aged 25-40 yrs old
  • At least 50% have children living with them in the 
  • At least 4 females
  • They are the principal decision maker / primary driver of 
that vehicle
  • Are currently owning an SUV or a car which they bought / leased from new within the last 3 years
  • They own one of the following vehicles according to the following split:
    • Non-LR Premium SUV: Audi Q5, Q7; BMW X1, X3, X5; Volvo XC90; Mercedes ML; Porsche Cayenne; VW Magotan, Buick LaCrosse, Toyota Camry
    • Non premium SUV: VW Tiguan, Touareg; Honda CRV, Nissan Qashqai
    • Premium car: Audi A4, A5, A6; BMW 3, 5, 6
  • All those vehicles could be imported or local versions as long as it is noted for each respondent.
  • All are looking to buy a premium SUV within the next 4 
  • All like or are neutral towards the Land Rover brand
  • Equal split across price bands: ¥ 400,000 – 649,999; ¥ 
650,000 – 1,199,999; ¥ 1,200,000+

Research Results

UniqueView fulfilled the fieldwork services for this study. The research results helped the client understand effective ways to increase brand awareness in China for their target market. The results, also, helped our client gain insights into how their target audience feel about their brand, way to improve their image and acceptance in China and, most importantly, how to promote themselves for their next marketing campaign in China.