Qualitative Research Quality Control

Qualitative Quality Control Procedures

Based on a deep understanding of issues faced conducting Market Research in China UniqueView will employ different types of quality control methods through the entire process of the project to ensure the best insights can be obtained. Below are some of the standard procedures we implement to ensure the greatest chance of accurate quality data.

Quality Control Cycle


  • A detailed project proposal and translated screener will be delivered to each local fieldwork team before briefing to help them fully familiarize with the project.
  • Central briefing (via conference call) will be given by senior supervisors from UniqueView to the local fieldwork teams in each city to ensure the same message is delivered to everyone.
  • During briefing, senior supervisors need to explain every detail in the proposal and screener until no questions and concerns are raised by local fieldwork teams.


  • Multiple, different recruiters will always be used on any single project to ensure representativeness and diversity of respondents. Also, not more than 3 participants per project will be used from each recruiter.
  • Only 70% of the screening criteria will be given to recruiters, so the respondents will not be able to be guided in anyway for the remaining screening process and our other quality control checks below.
  • Participants being put forward as candidates will be called by our senior supervisors to:

    1. go through the entire screener, along with the previously withheld screener questions
    2. double check all their answers and probe more deeply with additionally designed questions (not in the screener) that only qualified, genuine candidates would be able to answer.
    3. whilst going through the above two steps with the potential candidate, evaluate their general intelligence, expressiveness, responsiveness, logical thinking ability and deeper knowledge of the given subject.

  • Pictures of ID cards, contact info and project related pictures or products are compulsory supporting documents to be received from participants for each project. For example, targeting mothers with under 3 year old children the compulsory documents would include:

    1. respondents ID card
    2. the childs birth certificate
    3. a family photo
    4. a picture with the child and the product (i.e. milk powder) together
    5. a picture of their house (inside and out), along with the address to check the neighborhood IF relevant socio-economic criteria is in the screener.

  • Checks on all candidates will be made on our extensive internal database to verify they have not participated in studies within the timeframe specified on the screener
  • Disqualified participants will be discarded and replaced and the local fieldwork team will be re-trained until they fully understand the questions on screener and requirements from proposal.
  • All new candidates will be checked as they are recruited until the full list of qualified respondents are recruited.
  • For certain, special, projects our supervisors will pay a visit to the respondent’s homes for security identification, and life style, checks

On-site Check

  • Respondents are required to bring their original IDs, related products and pictures with them in order to do a final check of their identities and genuineness before going into the interview or group.
  • On-site supervisor will double check their answers to key questions in the screener to double check their answers match those previously given.
  • Each respondent will be taken a picture on site for our database record.
  • For focus groups an over recruit is always done to cover for any respondents not turning up, and to allow a final choice of the best candidates to participate in the group.

Add to Our Database

  • All participants’ basic personal info will be recorded into our database as proof of participation, including pictures taken on-site, IDs and all contact information.
  • Add information about any specific candidates we screened out, particularly those that were suspicious in some way, so as to exclude from any future studies
  • Careful additional notes are added about the quality of the participants, and they are graded on various attributes we designed for future reference.