Research background
- A world leading fashion group was trying to get ideas of the current performance of one of its key premium luxury brands in China in the following dimensions:
- Understand what the brand stands for as a whole within the family brands
- Understand how each segment of the brand offer – fashion, fragrances, accessories – contributes to the overall brand image
- Understand how to reinforce the brand desirability and statement as a strong and unique subsidiary
Research methodology
- 8 Focus group discussions with each lasting around 3 hours
- 6 In-home and in-store interviews with each lasting around 3 hours
- 2 In-home interviews with each lasting around 1.5 hours
- 1 Expert interview lasting 1 hour
City Coverage
- Shanghai
Target Audience
- Male and female aged 18-35 years old
- Annual household income >800K RMB
- P18M have purchased at least 5 fashion items (at least 2 clothing items and 2 leather products) priced >5K RMB of selective luxury brands
Research Results
The project was highly strategic and was aimed at helping our client with their branding strategy. UniqueView was commissioned with the fielding part of the research project in China. The project results helped our client to better understand:
- the performance of this brand in China in terms of brand image
- brand desirability and positioning among competitors
- the direction for their future branding strategy