Research Background

  • An Australian food company wanted to test the most appealing logo and convincing claims for Chinese consumers on their meat products package, they divided the research into 2 parts, the qualitative part is to find out the top 3 favorite logo and claims, the quantitative part is to choose the most popular one among the 3 chosen in part 1.

Research Methodology

  • Qualitative part: FGD (2 hrs)
  • Quantitative part: Online survey (15 mins)

City Coverage

  • Shanghai, Guangzhou

Target Audience

  • Female aged 25-54 yrs old
  • Primary household grocery shoppers
  • Monthly household income above 15,000 RMB
  • Regularly buy imported food products:
    • Meat – beef, lamb
    • Dairy – milk, cheese, powdered milk, infant formula
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Vitamins and mineral supplements

Research Results

UniqueView finished the job including recruiting, fielding, date cleaning, etc. The research findings help client figure out which is the best logo and claim to be furnished on their package for the Chinese market, and how they can better guide the sales.